Wednesday 9 March 2016

Automotive engineering

Book Title  : Automotive Engineering Lightweight,Functional and Novel Materials
Author(s)   : Brian Cantor, Patrick Grant, Colin Johnston
Publisher   : Taylory & Francis Group
Edition      : -
Pages        : 344
PDF Size    : 8.36MB

Content of this book:
1. Industrial Perspective
     a. Future vehicles and Materials Technologies
     b. Automobile Aluminum Sheet
     c. Plastic Technology for Automotive Modules

2. Functional Materials
     a. Automotive Catalysts
     b. Magnetorheological Fluids
     c. Impact Loading
     d. High-Temperature Electronic Materials
     e. Smart Materials

3. Light Metals
     a. Form ability of Aluminum alloys
     b. Ductile Magnesium
     c. Enhancement of Crash worthiness in Cellular Structures
     d. Compressive Properties of Cellular Metals
     e. Heavily Deformable A1 Alloy 
     f. Stainless Steel Sandwich Sheets with Fibrous Metal Cores

4. Processing and Manufacturing
     a. Welding and Joining
     b. Titanium Alluminide-based Intermetallic Alloys
     c. Casting Processes and Simulation Tools
     d. Damage Tolerance in Composite Structures
     e. High-Performance Autosport Surface Treatments and Composites

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