Sunday 20 March 2016

Mechanical Engineering Principles

Book Title  : Mechanical Engineering Principles
Author(s)   : John Bird & Carl Ross
Publisher   : Newnes
Edition      : -
Pages        : 299
PDF Size    : 2.58MB

Content of this Book:
I. Statics and strength of materials
     1. The effects of forces on materials
     2. Tensile testing
     3. Forces acting at a point
     4. Forces in structures
     5. Simply supported beams
     6. Bending moment and shear force diagrams
     7. First and second moment of areas
     8. Bending of beams
     9. Torque
     10. Twisting of shafts
II. Dynamics
     11. Linear and angular motion
     12. Linear momentum and impulse 
     13. Force, mass and acceleration
     14. Work, energy and power
     15. Friction
     16. Motion in a Circle
     17. Simple harmonic motion
     18. Simple machines
III. Heat transfer and fluid mechanics
     19. Heat energy and transfer
     20. Thermal expansion
     21. Hydrostatics
     22. fluid flow
     23. Ideal gas laws 
     24. The measurement of temperature
A list of formulae
Greek alphabet 
Answers to multiple-choice questions

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